Saturday, 1 February 2014

Hello! this is me lemonade lucy! thats my Movie Star Planet username. I made this blog about me on MSP this this me...

Thats my normal look, These are some of my other looks...

Iam level 12 and i like to trade and give wishes, gifts and greetings to other movie-stars. These are the 3 main reasons you should be friends with me...

1. I am kind
2. I like giving
3. I am polite

these are some of my friends...

lillybon242                                                                                      .River

They're the best friends ever!!

these are their levels

lillybon242-level 11
.River-level 17
$(bluebabe)$-level 12

These are the popular people on MSP...
                   Roxy-1                          Chuck
